marldon fc FA charter standard club

don’t join a club, join a


the four corners of


Welcome to Marldon YFC, a youth football club based in Paignton.

Everyone involved with the club works to promote the FA four corners philosophy to create rounded young footballers that leave the club with transferable life skills.

“Being part of a team is really important to him and has been a massive boost to his confidence – he absolutely loves it. Thank you for what you do for him.”

u12s Mum

technical football skills


This is a focus on the development of core skills, control of the ball and experiencing training sessions that simulate and help real game environments.

physical football skills


Keeping players fit, understanding we are different shapes and sizes and have varying strengths and weaknesses Marldon focus on helping young players understand and use their bodies effectively.

psycological football skills


Through positive communication and reinforcement Marldon help young players develop confidence and decision making that is transferable to other areas of their lives.

social football skills


We think that children are often more capable and flexible to change than adults, so we make it core value that we “show” instead of “tell”, giving ownership, confidence and challenge to our teams.

putting decisions in the hands of a

youth council

We are proud to be the only youth football club (we are aware of) that imparts key decisions to the players, at regular intervals we encourage players from each age group to come together and feedback their thoughts on how the club should be run.



One of the big battles in grassroots football is the culture at the side of the pitch, we want to help the FA promote standards that support young referees through their development, and sets a positive standard for the players and supporters alike.

fa respect at marldon football team